Of course, a STPM science leaver like me would like to enter this university to further up my study and continue my ambition. So as a top science university in malaysia, the application for this university is totally different. It no longer stick to the official government and have their own section and rights to choose their own students. Well, it will be quite troublesome when u need to apply for two application for the same time. 1 is for the USM and next is for all the local university in Malaysia.Well, for the courses i applied for USM need to be interview and the interview is on 10th to 20th of May which written on the official USM website.
Without doubt, after finish the Munsyi test from USM which will ask u questions like do you think you are handsome/beautiful? to test out your personality which match for the course you applied ( bullshit...) or you do not have any of them, surely...i am waiting for the information about the interview. It written on the official website that you can check the interview status on 5th of May.
So on 5th of May, i log on to the website and found nothing new!! OMG
Never mind, i waited for the next the day and log on again and it still the same!Holy SHit
So i think that they might be busy to do something like that so i wait again for the next day...
WTF...nothing again!!!..so how could i know about the interview??? After that 1 of my friend told me she got the interview for Mass Com at USM through SMS....SMS???
Hey, although this world is getting more and more high tech but put something important like that just through SMS?..gosh...scary..Nah..in the end she screwed up in her interview which ended up with her silence-ness and all the attention went to a guy who talk a lot and know a lot about football in the interview. HAHA..
So, i gave up on looking up for the interview status but few days after from me friend interview on 10th. I found that finally the website got the two words "semakan temuduga". All right, this it how you check your interview status. At first, it shows 'maaf,tiada rekod' when you just log in into that page.So you need to enter your course that u applied and your IC number. And press 'Hantar'. So i do that...then it jump back to the page i first went in when i press 'semakan temuduga' with the same words 'maaf, tiada rekod'.. WTH????!!!..At first I thought the admin have not upload the data yet or what. So now only i know that i am not chosen for the interview. God..how do I know anything with just the old words 'maaf,tiada rekod' again. It is so sick.

After few days, i went to ask my relative and he said that his friends who applied the same course with me already got their interview sms on 7th of May and the interview already pass.WTH...
i do not give up yet so i called to the admin for few times to confirm that but very disappointed that no people answer my call. So today..19th of May, i called them again and a heavy indian essence fella pick up my call.Our conversation is like this....
Unknown : Hello!
Me : Hello, good morning.
Unknown : ya.
Me : I am a STPM leaver who applied in USM but i receive no information for my interview
status, so i would like to know am i eligible for the interview?
Unknown : The interview already done.
Me : Oh really, erm.. so can i appeal for the course i applied at USM?
Unknown : The interview adi done and wait for the result during June
Me : Means that i can't appeal for the course i wan?
Unknown : the interview adi done, wait for other courses..
Me : ......( what the hell is he talking about..shit!!!)
Me: So what i can do now ?
Unknown : What course you applied?
Me : Pharmacy
Unknown : Pharmacy interview adi pass.. pass
Me : ..(what the hell)..so there will be no more interview?
Unknown : ya.!
Me : ok, thanks and bye..
(Claz...,call ended..)
........... WTF..speechless.......